Peace Children Care Centre (PCCC) has been initiated by Persatuan Kebajikan Asas Pulau Pinang (PKAPP) alongside the strategic partner Pertubuhan Nilai-Nilai Murni untuk Keamanan Sejagat (PNM). It is successfully launched in July 2020 through the hardwork and dedication of the committee members. With the great continuous support from donors and volunteers, PCCC is now accommodated with 12 underprivileged children from the age of 4 to 12 years old.
Peace Children Care Centre (PCCC) aims to provide care and guidance to children in need who come from various backgrounds. PCCC is opened to children of all races and is supervised by trained caregivers. A cozy environment where the children will feel safe, nurtured and cared for provided .
Vision: A home for the children of today to make a better tomorrow.
Mission: For the Home and community to serve and educate the children by providing a safe sanctuary and complete support to instil the values of self-reliance, camaraderie and to empower them to improve the quality of their lives.
Location:Peace Children Care Centre